Question: What do you get when you put two conservatives and an Obama together in the same room?
Answer: One really awesome blog post.
John and I entered our names into a lottery to try and get tickets to a Town Hall Meeting with the President. WE WON!
The whole community turned out for the big day.
Some waited in line...
Some filmed every moment for the folks at home...
Some sold Doritos...
Some provided service in a secretive manner...
And some geared up for the big event with a chewy granola bar that was lovingly packed in their lunch by their beautiful wife. But only some were so lucky.
We read up on the issues...
And looked out over the crowd...
...who went wild when he walked in!
He gave a good speech and then opened it up to questions from the audience.
And for all those of you who know what "skeeweet" (sp?) is...I'm pretty sure Barack gave you a little shout out ;)
As Obama left the building, the crowd cheered and everyone flocked around him for last minute pictures. Some of which are quite comical if I do say so myself :)
For instance, while it might look like this woman was pinching his cheeks - that is merely an optical illusion - no pinching took place.
And the hand you see below was not actually touching Obama's face.
John would like to add that he is, and I quote, "Not Gay" as this video might suggest. HAHA
Also, to John and Ellen - If after reading this post you see us unfit to join you for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'm sure that Bruce and Pat will ;)
I think it's admirable that you took the opportunity to see the president of the United States. It will be something you can tell your children and your children's children. As for Thanksgiving and Christmas, of course you are more than welcome. Would you like Kool-Aid with your meal?