Saturday, October 31, 2009


For the past few months I've been working for a private airport here in New Orleans. I'm a customer service representative at the front desk and take care of the pilots and passengers when they fly in. Coming from Broadcast to this has meant one big learning curve! I now think in military time and you're more than welcome to quiz me A-Z on the phonetic alphabet! haha

So about a week ago I headed to Orlando for my first real business trip. I kissed John goodbye and headed to the annual aviation convention NBAA.

It was an adventure right from the start - my first trip on a King Air!

This was our booth at the convention:

And the view from our booth: LOL!

We checked out some amazing aircraft displays while we were there too.

And when it comes to planes - they're just like people: It's whats on the inside that counts. Guess how much it costs to fly on the plane below...

$11,000 - $15,000 an hour! Oh to be

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