Our friends Libby and Kacey bought one of those huge nacho cheese cans from Sams Club and we all headed over to watch one of the funniest movies ever - NACHO LIBRE. Wearing festive "stretchy pants" was optional - but that's an option we Sigety's wholeheartedly accepted. Besides, when you're going to eat that many nachos - stretchy pants become more of a necessity than a fashion statement.
The following pictures are for your viewing pleasure.
Ok - And this picture was just too funny not to include. It has awkward written all over it. So rather than describe what was acutally going on, please give your explanations of what's happening in comment form. haha I can't wait to hear what you have to say :)
Awkward? I think not. John is clearly giving these young lad a Zerbit (blowing hard squarely in the middle of a bare stomach)!